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Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Priyanka boobs press

It is a common feature to release stills from a film before it gets released. However, this has given rise to a new thought among the film makers. They are coming up with stills which raise the eyebrows in a big way and raise the expectations of the audience on the film. Usually, such stills are quite steamy.

Right now, something like that has happened with the new movie ‘Vara Prasad Potti Prasad’. This has Vijay Sai and Srinivas Avasarala as the heroes while Priyanka and Priya Ahuja are the leading ladies. However, the innocent looking Vijay Sai has now come into the focus with his rather bold gesture in one of the stills.

He is seen groping the asset of Priyanka in the still. Someone asked Vijay Sai “how did you do that? It is a boob press and it will create controversy.” For this, Vijay Sai reportedly said “No no.. it is not so, you have seen only in the 2D angle and not in the 3D angle that’s why it is looking like that. The scene was done aesthetically but it is looking like that, I never touched there.” Those who heard this are wondering if Vijay Sai is bluffing and quip that Priyanka might be the right girl to answer this question.

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