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Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Pranitha Subhash night Booking for Rs 15 Lakhs

It has been quite a while since she has been seen onscreen but the two films she did gave enough impact to the audience not to forget her. She is the Kannada beauty Pranitha Subhash of ‘Bava’ fame and right now, she seems to be coming back and that too with a bang.

Reading the headline might give you some naughty thoughts but here is the story. It is heard that Pranitha is charging Rs 15 lakhs per cinema. Currently, Pranitha is busy with her Kannada and Tamil assignments but news is that she is already approached by the Telugu film makers.

Those who have seen Pranitha recently say that she is looking even more mind blowing with added sex appeal and oomph factor. As for the cine folks, they add that if Pranitha manages one hit then she is sure to hit the stardom with her glamour quotient. Let us see how things take shape for this shapely beauty.

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