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Tuesday 27 September 2011

Minissha Lamba has art in her blood

Minissha reveals, “Our entire house is packed with her work. A lot of my friends have asked her to hold an exhibition, but she doesn’t take them seriously. Recently, a man landed up at our doorstep expressing interest in one of mom’s painting titled Glorious Elements. Later, he revealed that he had seen the painting on a friend’s camera phone and he got the address from him and wanted to buy the painting.”

Minissha Lamba scorched the screens with her dare-bare act in ‘Kidnap’ and immediately after that she gave some hot clicks for Maxim. But little do her fans know that Minissha’s mother is an avid painter and has been into painting for over 2 years now. Minissha has some 25 paintings of her mother adorning her house. These paintings range from beautiful sceneries to psychedelics. Minissha adores these paintings so much that she recently turned down a lucrative offer made by a gentleman to buy one of these paintings.

After this incident, Minissha has now advised her mother to hold an exhibition. “I think she needs to showcase her work. We are working on the formalities and plan to hold the exhibition sometime soon. I like the fact that people across all age groups love her work.”

This sure assures us of the actress’ arty connection

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