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Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Pink campaign goes into Pink Bra campaign

The pink chaddi campaign, started by four young girls back in February 2009, against the moral policing on Indian women by the Shri Ram Sena has now found a place in a Bollywood production.

Pink bra campaign

Vivek Agnihotri's film Buddha In A Traffic Jam has incorporated the real-life movement in the film. The Goal and Chocolate director's next project deals with issues that affect the youth.

Says a source, "They have done the research and taken inputs from the girls who started the campaign as well as those who were involved in the incident. In the film, they will tag it as pink bra campaign."

Explains Agnihotri, "Buddha In A Traffic Jam is about the socio-political system and its nexus. It is inspired from real life incidents. I travelled all across the hinterland and realised that corruption and moral policing have victimised and terrorised the common man more than terrorism has."

Time to act

He adds, "My film deals with real-life issues that have affected the youth of the country and it shows the creative ways to deal with them.

I am fully aware of the threats and consequences but I believe that evil prevails when good men don't act. I think I am at a point in life when I must act."

The film stars Arunoday Singh, Mahi Gill, Viveck Vaswani and Pallavi Joshi and has been shot at the Indian School of Business in Hyderabad

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